Heartless owners abandon dog — and glue her eyes shut so she can’t find her way home


It’s always heartbreaking when dogs are abandoned by their owners. They don’t understand what’s happening, and their instinct is just to get back home again.

But some heinous dog owners apparently took an extra-cruel precaution before leaving their dog for dead, ensuring she’d be helpless to find his way back home:

They glued her eyes shut.

La maldad del ser humano no tiene límites depronto por estar enferma que se le va dar el tratamiento y se baño …. la…

Posted by Zoraida Elizabeth Santiago Ospino on Saturday, January 4, 2020

How anyone could be so heartless to this poor old dog is beyond the imagination, but the dog was dumped helpless and alone near Barrancabermeja, Colombia.

But luckily, he wasn’t alone for long: a stranger named Carlos found the dog, realized the poor condition she was in, and raced her to the vet, according to The Mirror.

La maldad del ser humano no tiene límites depronto por estar enferma que se le va dar el tratamiento y se baño …. la…

Posted by Zoraida Elizabeth Santiago Ospino on Saturday, January 4, 2020

The good news was that the vets were able to remove the glue, but due to the sensitivity of the area it required a three-day procedure.

The dog also suffered an eye infection due to her trying to paw the glue off.

The vets successfully removed the glue, restoring the dog’s vision. But they said it would take months for her to recover fully from the ordeal. They are currently treating her with antibiotics.

Luckily, she already has a home waiting for her when she’s better: Carlos, the man who first found her, has offered to adopt the dog!

It’s a very happy ending after a truly heartbreaking ordeal. We know Carlos will treat this poor baby infinitely better than her old owners.